The Panda . . .

The San Diego zoo was having a tough time finding a mate for their prized female panda. The Chinese Government agreed to lend the Zoo a male panda in the hopes that it would increase the numbers of its dwindling national treasure.

Unfortunately, a scheduling mix up had the male panda landing in LA instead of San Diego. The panda bear, left to his own devices decided to go shopping (as pandas often do), and was walking down Rodeo drive. While window shopping in front of Tiffany’s, a high class prostitute approached the panda and asked him if he wanted a good time. The panda considered for a moment and then followed the hooker back to her room.

Once in her room, she asked the panda what he wanted to do. As Pandas have always been reluctant to engage in sex, he replied that he really got off on going down on a woman; she agreed and he went to town. After he climaxed, he started to get up, and get dressed. As he was zipping up his panda fur suit, the prostitute asked about her payment. The panda was confused and didn’t understand what she was asking for.

"I’m a hooker, don’t you know what a prostitute is?"

"No." The panda replied.

The prostitute then handed him a dictionary, and told him to look it up. After thumbing through the pages (do pandas have thumbs?) he read, Prostitute: One who offers sexual intercourse in return for money.

"Oh" exclaimed the panada. "You don’t understand, I’m a panda."

The prostitute looked at him blankly, and asked, "Well, why does that matter?"

The panda handed her the dictionary and told her to look up the definition of a panda. The hooker turned the pages till she found, Panda: a large mammal that eats bush, shoots, and leaves . . .