Heard a good one lately?

Jokes used to be a huge part of my life. In fact jokes and off color humor used to be all I could think of. Unfortunately that was during my formative years, and it has since warped me irreversibly. But then a funny thing happened; I grew up. Things that were once funny and had shocked me as a lad, weren't all that funny anymore. I began to forget the jokes that had once defined my personality.

On a recent bike trip (which always bring you back to your most juvenile stages anyways), we started telling jokes again. Although my timing was off, and I struggled with the deliveries, it was great fun to laugh at everything in life; including ourselves. At that moment, I decided that I was going to endeavor to get all the jokes that have passed through me into a place that would last in perpetuity (or until I give up the domain). Never again will I let this part of my personality fade away; I will always laugh and not take life so seriously.

If you are sensitive to off-color humor or offended easily, I urge you not to enter this section of the site. However, if you can laugh at yourself and also enjoy a good chuckle at other people's expense, then jump right in . . .
Clean Jokes
Be prepared for that random interview question.
Tall Tales
Wait for it . . .
Random One Liners Blonde/Gay/Lesbian Jokes
Ethnic Jokes
Is nothing sacred?
Religious Jokes
Guess not . . .
Celebrity and Not so Current Affairs Jokes Interactive
All the internet jokes that we used to email to each other.