Zachary's Disease . . .

A woman was having trouble getting pregnant. She went from doctor to doctor looking for a cure to her problems, but each time she was told that there was nothing wrong with her. She then turned to alternative medicine to solve her problem. Eventually she ended up at a Chinese Medicine man to see if he could help her.

The Chinese doctor took her into the examing room, and asked her to undress. When the women was naked, the doctor asked her to turn around, in doing so she heard the man say, "ah so." The Doctor then asked the woman to bend over, and again she her the doctor exclaim, "ah so." The doctor then told the women to get dressed and meet him in his office.

In his office, the doctor explained (in a Chinese accent), "Ah so. I sink I know why you can't have baby. You have Zachary's disease."

"Zachary's disease, my word! What's that?" The Woman exclaimed.

"Ah so, Zachary's disease is when your face look Zachary like your ass!"