So Happy!

One of the things that always struck me about having Ophelia as part of our lives was how much she always had the ability to make you feel better. Whether you have a good day or a crappy day, she would sense your mood and comfort you in the best possible way.

She was crazy and rambunctious every day when I walked through the door from work. Always the same routine. She would run to the door and greet me, fail about the floor in excitement and then dash to the bedroom and pounce on the bed with toys. There, she would wait for you to come in and pet her, rub her belly, hug her, and stalk her toys while she deliriously nibbled on them. From when she was a little puppy, right until she got sick, that never changed, always the same level of excitement and pure unadulterated joy each and every time we would come home.

And yet, when we weren't feeling well, she would come up to us on the couch and flop down next us and cuddle; just knowing that very act of petting her would make you feel better. When I got home from my surgery in 2013, she immediately knew something was wrong with me. She carefully leapt up on the couch next to be settled in for the days ahead where she would help me recuperate. Or the times when you were just having a lazy Sunday. And you would say "Ophelia? Time for nap!?" and she'd jump up and make her way into the bedroom ready to jump into bed to help keep us warm and safe.

Whether you were feeling good, or feeling bad, Ophelia had the ability to make you feel good or make you feel better, and she always knew the right way how. I only hope that we were able to do in kind when she got sick; and to make her happy and comfortable as she eased towards her passing.