Guatemala 08

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As Cam, Jer and the 2 boys were living in Guatemala for 6 months, we thought it would be a good opportunity to visit travel around the country. We started off in Santiago Atitlan, where the Noah's were living and got a taste of what it's like being an ex-pat in Guatemala. Riding the Tuk-tuks, shopping in the market (You're buying a chicken? why are you buying a chicken?), and playing with the local (nearly adopted) strays (Crocezshoes and Bobby).

We did get in some touristy stuff like kayaking on Lake Atitlan and overflowing into a nice hotel or two (since we all couldn't fit at Cam and Jer's). And we got a few day trips in to Panajachel to experience the great market . . .and the stupid ATMs that don't give you the full amount of what you requested! After a few days in Atitlan area (and many Gallos . . .) we headed out to Antigua to check out the Spanish influence of the area. In Antigua we toured around the city, and detoured to hike up a volcano. Such a stark contrast to traveling abroad than in the US. In the US you'd never get this close to something like a volcano, with out signing 100 waivers. In Guatemala, anyone can hike up the volcanos and get as close as you wanted (or dared) to the lava. It was a pretty crazy experience.

After Antigua, we said good byes to the Noahs, as they headed back to Santiago Atitlan, and we continued on up to Tikal. In Tikal, we were able zip line and get up close and personal with Mayan ruins while cruising through the jungle on pre-dawn hikes, bribing guides for access to restricted areas (shhhh . . .), calling out to howler monkeys, and avoiding falling branches (that, uh, may or may have not have been dislodged by swinging on vines . . .). After Tikal, Jean and Scott headed out, while Mom and Dad and I finished up touring around the capital city, Guatemala City, before heading on home.

Santiago Atitlan and Panajachel Antigua Tikal and Guatemala City