From the single track I saluted my Cyclocross brethren, and dismounted and ran through the series of tight switch back were people had piled up. I got around the traffic jam only to realize that sprinting off my bike like that got me pretty winded. Hmmmm, and here in front of me was the longest climb of the course. I huffed back onto my bike and slowly wound my way up the mountain, only getting passed by four people. But as they passed me, I hung with them. When were just about to crest the hill I jumped out off line and sprinted pass the four who had passed me, and the guy in front that who was holding us up. I knew this was the last climb, and that there was only a long singletrack downhill. Only one other guy went with me, and the two of us ripped down the mountain.
Holmes behind me was actually a better downhiller that I was, so when I had a chance, I let him get by. However, then we ran into a slow rider who wouldn't let us pass at any moment. even when he had a chance to pull over he wouldn't. I really didn't care, I was just riding mellow, but the cat in front of me was freaking out. Then we went into this wide sweeping switchback, that had a really steep pitch to it. A couple of people had pulled off and were walking it. Mr. Slow decided to try and ride it, he ate shit. The funny part though, was that Mr. Hothead tried to pass him on the outside, and when Mr. Slow stacked, he took out Mr. Hothead. To make this worst, here I come barreling around this switchback, and as Mr. Hothead was trying to get back up, I slammed right through him and knocked him and Mr. Slow back down! I shouted a hasty sorry over my shoulder as I kept speeding down the hill.
The race ended up with a lap around the lake, in the wind. This one guy and I began working together for drafts, but then he dropped me. When Matt and had pre-ridden the course earlier, the ending was never marked off. What we missed was this short steep climb right before the finish line. As I rounded the corner and saw this climb, I nearly shit myself. Actually, as I geared down to climb the hill, I threw my chain (peanut fish galore!) But I finished up strong and sprinted to the finish.
All in all it was a fun race. Out of 25 racers, I finished 8th, Matt finished 15 (he endoed pretty hard a 1/3 of the way through the race), and Mark finished 21st. Dode.

--Mr. Fister

#8 Derek Wong ~1:15:00
#15 Matt Rorick ~1:20:00
#21 Mark Jones N/A

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