(written 07/95)

The last night we stayed at another cabin, the weather took a turn for the better and it was sunny, still cold but sunny. We got to see a sea plane land and take off, it was neat. We finally took the time to learn a new game called DOS (as in the Spanish word for two). If you haven't played this game then I suggest you learn how to play it; it is a blast. The last day was the worst. It was about 10 miles or so out on the trail leading out of the valley. We were really tried and blistery. Some of the girls that were with us were really hurting so we packed some of their stuff. Plus, most of it was downhill, so it was really hard on our knees. But we got out. Took a trip to the local high school in Seward to use their showers, then we shacked up with the local Scout troop in host families. The town of Seward is really small; their high school has about 250 kids in it, grades 6 through 12. But it was a cool little town

The next day we took an all day boat tour of Keani Fjords National Park. It was great. We saw sea otters, sea lions, stealler seals, bald eagles, humpback whales, and glaciers. While I can be prone to motion sickness, I decided not to take any medication, bad move. I didn't quite get sick on the boat, almost, but not quite. Although, it is hard to look at the wildlife when you’re trying to prevent a Technicolor yawn! But hey, at least I got a sweatshirt out of it. It was so cold that day that I had to buy a genuine Keani Fjords souvenir sweatshirt. Actually it was a necessity; I'll gladly pay 45.00 bucks for a sweatshirt, as long as I stay warm. The next day we went to play on exit glacier, we weren't supposed to be on it, because people have died while they were standing near it, but we went on it anyway. Then we had a banquet with the local scouts, and then we went to see the movie Waterworld; it sucked. The next morning we packed up and got on the bus and went to the airport

It was a great trip.

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